What is RAM?

RAM (Random Access Memory). What basically RAM is? How much RAM is necessary for your smart phone? We will answer these questions in this post. Let's get started....

Friends, first of all we would talk about what RAM is? Basically it is known as Random access Memory. But it doesn't defines what RAM is. So, lets take a real life example.
Suppose you are working in an office and you you need some files, which are in another room to complete your work. Then whenever you use that file you wold basically go to the room and take that file to your desk and complete your work.
Suppose, you need too many files at the same time, then you also need that much space on your desk for those files. And if your desk is large enough, you can  rest that much files on your desk and choose them according to your use.

Similarly in a mobile phone, RAM works in the same way. Suppose the room is your storage and that desk is your RAM. RAM is basically a very fast memory, which makes it costlier in comparison to the external storages. The basic function of RAM is to transfer the files required by the process as fast as possible.
Suppose you have installed a game or an application in your phone, at that time it is present in your phone memory or your external memory. As soon as you started your application,it gets transferred to the RAM, so that the informations can be transferred and received very readily to the processor.
If you have less RAM in your phone, mostly it happens that if you had opened 3-4 application at the same time and you need to open one more application, the processor removes 1-2 applications from the RAM and load the 5th application. And then you open the first application, it takes a little bit time to open it because it need to be loaded again in the RAM. Thats why we say that more RAM is useful for multi-tasking.

Now lets talk about how much RAM is needed?
According to the models of phones nowadays, 2 GB RAM is the minimum requirement. If it is less than 2GB, you can face some problems. As the size of applications nowadays are very large, they consume too much RAM to open. The Facebook application needs 200-300 MB of RAM to open. Similarly other apps needs this much RAM. IF you want to rum multi tasking, 2GB RAM is mandatory.
Talking about 3GB and 4GB RAM, they are not necessary at this time but they may be necessary in future as the size of applications and number of applications are increasing day by day and RAM is one of those type of things which cannot be upgraded in mobile phones. Many users believe that if you had rooted your phone, you can increase your RAM but this in not possible.
So we got a conclusion that 2GB if RAM is mandatory and if possible you can also have 3 or 4GB of RAM for better multi tasking.

Thats all about RAM from me. Hope you like it :-)


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