Why Mobile Data is Expensive than Broadband? The Reality!!!

Welcome back guys. Friends, some day while using Internet you might also have thought that why the mobile data which you are using whether it is 2G, 3G or 4G is much more expensive in comparison to any Broadband Connection. In today's post I will tell you what is the difference between these two.

Guys, if you notice the amount of money you invest on using Internet using mobile data, you may be investing 100,200,500 or maybe 1000 rupees and for what all you had is only 1Gb 2Gb 5Gb 10Gb or maybe more(in spite you are using jio :P). If you compare it to any broadband connection plan, you will notice that if you have a plan of 500 or 1K rupees, you can enjoy many features including high speed Internet ranging to 5 mbps - 10mbps, constant speed of the Internet, reliability of Internet, and you can use as much as you can i.e. there is no limit for Internet usage.
Now a question comes in your mind that "Does the telecom companies of our country mugs us?" It is better to have a broadband connection at almost the same price that you use for your mobile data. Then let me clear it. This is not only in our country. It happens everywhere. Talking about the mobile data a common Dubai man use is of about 100 Dhirams for 1Gb, which is about 1800 rupees. And if anyone takes a postpaid plan of about 1000 dhirams, he only gets about 15-25Gb of mobile data. And if a person owns a broadband connection of about 1000 Dhirams, he gets unlimited data with a constant speed of 100 mbps, unlimited calls and a internet operated TV.
Now you will thought that is the broadband company is giving use lease or the telecom company is robbing us. No, the reason behind these two is the technology. Telecom companies  spends too much money in establishing Towers, buying signal spectrum and also increasing the number of towers and spectrum  according to the increase in users. As it is a wireless connection, there is too much damage of these things, so the telecom company also has to spend too much money on prevention from damage. And if we talk about broadband connection, it only requires investment only at the time of establishment. It doesn't need too much maintenance and there isn't any frequent technology upgrades. Once the fiber optic wires are operated, there is a rest of 10-15 years.
The telecom companies takes this much profit because they invest too much in providing internet in comparison to the broadband connection. Another major cause for the mobile data to be expensive is licensing of the companies and also the renewal of the spectrum which is bought in an auction.
In contrast it can be said that following reasons are responsible for such prices of mobile data:-
  • The setup for the broadband is much cheaper compared to the mobile Internet setup. Also the maintenance cost is slightly lower compared to the mobile Internet maintenance.
  • Mobile data is costly mainly because of licencing costs in spectrum as well as in technology. Cellular technology operates in a wide range of frequency bands which are not free, only bands free to use are the ISM bands. These non-free frequency bands are often auctioned by governments of different countries, this is in millions If not billions of dollars.
  • Broadband Internet offers great plans which will suite to every customer requirements but the broadband Internet lacks mobility. Also create a broadband Internet network is a time consuming task. Therefore it is very typical job for a single broadband Internet provider to cover a large area.
  • Coming to any broadband service,considering each base station requires equipment, back haul, purchasing or real estate and spectrum acquisition considerations. this sends the cost of deploying a wireless service through the roof. A fixed line service is much simpler and comparatively cheaper to roll out since it requires fewer sites.
  • Another cost on technology side is the patents held by Qualcomm. Qualcomm holds major patents in EV-DO, WCDMA, HSPA technology. Any device running them including cellphone vendors to network operators have to pay them licencing fees.
  • Most cases has a wired Internet line in broadband. Broadband is vulnerable to the damages.The mobile Internet on the other hand coverage is very good, most locations are covered with the network. Mobility and reliability are greater in mobile Intern
I hope you liked this blog and you have cleared your confusion about the mobile data and broadband


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