Android vs Apple . Which side are you on?
Factors to consider before you buy an Apple phone over an Android.... When it comes to buying one of the best smartphones, the first choice can be the hardest: iPhone or Android. It's not simple; both offer a lot of great features and they may seem basically the same other than brand and price. However, a closer look shows that there are some key differences. Read on for a closer at look at some of these differences to help you decide whether an iPhone or Android smartphone is right for you. Hardware: Choice vs. Polish Hardware is the first place where the differences between the iPhone and Android become clear. Only Apple makes iPhones, so it has extremely tight control over how the software and hardware work together. On the other hand, Google offers the Android software to many phone makers, including Samsung, HTC, LG, and Motorola. Because of that, Android phones vary widely in size, weight, features, and quality. Premium-priced Android phones...