Do You Still Need A DSLR? Smartphone Vs Digital Cameras
Welcome Back Friends. In today's era of technology nothing is impossible. Today I am gonna talk about the cameras in the phones and the DSLR and the reasons to choose them. I'm Hamid, Let's begin..... There was a time when a mobile phone had only one job to do; make and receive phone calls on the go. Time changed and companies started adding more features to these devices and we end up in the era where a mobile has become a smartphone. A device that is equipped with hundreds of features and the most important feature is the high-quality cameras. Expensive mobiles like Samsung Galaxy S9 or Huawei Mate 10 Pro are equipped with a high-quality lens and impressive features to produce impressive pictures and up to 4K videos. But, compared to a digital camera or DSLR, the result of a picture taken with a smartphone isn’t so impressive. It’s a common question that if a smartphone has a good camera, do we really need to purchase a digital camera at all? The answ...